CHURCH 301-432-8741 | CLC 301-432-6042

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered Sundays at 10:00am for all ages, beginning with the littlest ones (ages 3-6), followed by ages 7-10.  As the children continue to grow in their relationship with Christ, there is also a middle/high school group that meets on the 3rd floor. There is also an adult Sunday school class that meets in the parlor.

Please come and find the Sunday school class that feeds you in growing with Christ. We look forward to seeing you in one of our wonderful Sunday school classes.


Ways to Worship on Sunday

Preschool Review

Mt. Nebo has been a wonderful place for my 3 year old son and I can’t wait for my 1 year old to start at the preschool as well. My son always has a smile on his face when talking about the preschool. The teachers are phenomenal and the Christian education is superb. It’s hard trusting anyone to watch your children but I know my kids are being cared for while there… K. Deatrich