We are getting excited for an active summer camp season at Mt. Nebo CLC! We will provide a summer camp calendar with a full list of scheduled activities by May 3rd. Includes water play days once per week, onsite presentations, field trips and special events throughout the summer. Sibling discounts do not apply to summer activity fees.
Infants/Preschoolers – Currently enrolled infant through preschoolers will automatically keep their current schedule and tuition rates for summer. Please let us know if you need to cancel your child’s summer enrollment so we may offer a spot to a child on the wait list.
School Age – Weekly tuition will be $190. Summer Activity Fee due April 26, 2024. School age children will need to complete and return the summer camp enrollment forms by April 10th to secure their spot.
See flyers for camp rates and enrollment form below. Payment plans are available upon request. Please email director@mtneboclc.org.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Ms. Kim