CHURCH 301-432-8741 | CLC 301-432-6042

It’s great to be able to bring some good news on reopening Mt. Nebo for in-person church services!

The Reopening Task Force met for the third time on July 2nd. We were able to look at the results of the reopening survey that was sent and made the decision to begin in-person services on July 19th at 9:00am in the Family Life Center.

For the summer only, we will continue to have just the one service, much the same as a few years ago when the sanctuary was being remodeled.

Services will continue to be offered online for those who continue to need that option.

The Task Force agreed that it will be easier to socially distance and properly clean and sanitize the FLC. Separate entrances and exits will be clearly marked, as well as 6-foot distances in the hallway outside of the FLC. The restrooms outside of the FLC will be open.

As we are attempting to follow the guidelines from the conference, families must socially distance from other families, and all persons attending must wear a mask. There will be greeters to open doors for you as well as ushers to assist with seating and dismissal. We know you will be excited to see your church family, but visiting with each other will need to be outdoors.

There will be no refreshments served for a while.

We understand these restrictions may not be popular, but we want to be responsible in implementing our in-person services. Of, course, we understand those of you who may continue to feel vulnerable and may not choose to be with us in person. We know everyone will be with us in spirit.

God bless each and every one of you during these challenging times!