About Mt. Nebo Christian Learning Center


Our mission is to provide the highest quality preschool education in a Christian environment.

Goals and Values

Our Children are valued for their individuality and uniqueness. Each one is a precious gift from God. We strive to provide a nurturing education environment that will allow your child to grow and develop academically, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Our Families are valued for their bonds and traditions, their commitment to work, home and community, their ability to play, and their dreams for their children.

Our faculty are valued for their skills, their vision, their delight in children, their ability to play and their commitment to families. We cherish what we learn from each other. We understand that cognitive growth and intellectual development occur when children are given an opportunity to face a task. They may fail at first, or they may succeed. We believe that children learn through trial and error, and children can turn failures into successes.

We believe that children deserve…

  • Long periods of uninterrupted play
  • Adults who act as facilitators
  • Freedom to explore
  • Investigation beyond the classroom walls
Here at Mt. Nebo Christian Learning Center we are committed to utilizing a research-based approach to learning for each child that is wrapped in a developmentally appropriate lens with a Christian foundation. We use The Creative Curriculum®.

The philosophy of The Creative Curriculum® is that young children learn best by doing. It is built on theories of development in young children, that all children learn through active exploration of their environment and therefore the environment plays a critical role in learning. The goal of the Creative Curriculum is to help children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive, and enthusiastic learners by actively exploring their environment.

The curriculum identifies goals in all areas of development: Social/Emotional, Cognitive, Physical and Language. The planned activities for the children, the organization of the environment, the selection of toys and materials, planning the daily schedule and interacting with the children, are all designed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the curriculum and give your child a successful year in school.

The Creative Curriculum® shows teachers how to integrate learning in literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology throughout the day. It also gives the teacher a wide range of teaching strategies– from child-initiated learning to teacher-directed approaches– to best respond to children’s learning styles, strengths and interests.

We believe that as children journey through their developmental stages, those who are exposed to structured music education reap the advantages that touch every aspect of their growth, such as language and literacy, social-emotional, and fine and gross motor skills. Mt. Nebo CLC is pleased to offer a Music & Spanish Enrichment program as part of its curriculum.

All of this is offered with an eye towards sharing the stories of the child and child’s development through meaningful assessment and a research-based assessment tool. We take every aspect of the child’s development thoughtfully and meaningfully so that a well-rounded experience is offered in a safe, Christian environment.

Religious Foundation of our Program

Christian teaching is an important part of our everyday curriculum. The wondrous love of God will be reinforced in many ways: through singing, crafts, story time, centers, and more. Indeed, we see this ministry as a much-needed service to the community. We seek to establish a caring, nurturing environment that respects the religious beliefs of the children, their parents, and our staff. We believe that Christianity teaches love for all people, and we want children from all religious backgrounds to feel welcome in our program.

Our children are asked to participate in daily prayer and the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. We celebrate Christian holidays such as Easter and Christmas. Our program is intended to complement each family’s own religious instruction, not to replace or compete with it.


The Advisory Board

The Advisory Board meets regularly to assist, support and guide preschool programming and classroom experiences.  They provide a valuable resource for the success of the Christian Learning Center.  Members of the board include parents of students, faculty, church members, and church leaders.

Currently the board includes:

  • Katie Smith
  • Chrissy Pugh
  • Gary Harding
  • Cindy Kauffman (Board Chair)
  • Pastor Bob (Lay Leader)
  • Rob Wetzel (Lay Leader)

Contact Mt. Nebo

134 S. Main Street
Boonsboro, MD, 21713

Church Office Phone: 301-432-8741
Church E-mail: mt.nebo@myactv.net

Christian Learning Center Office Phone:
Christian Learning Center Email: director@mtneboclc.org

Mt. Nebo CLC logo

Mt. nebo logo

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